Kadin: Determination Of 2024 Election Results Becomes A Formal Guide For Business World For Business Expansion
Daily Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said the official determination of the results of the 2024 General Elections from the General Elections Commission (KPU) was a formal guide for the business world to calculate business expansion.

Daily Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, said that political stability is the basis for economic growth and also the business world.

"The election results that have been announced are a formal guide for the business world to calculate business expansion," said Yukki, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 21.

Yukki said that the transition process for the leadership period is expected to take place in a conducive manner until next October, thus providing confidence for the business world, industry, and investment.

In the continuation of the government transition later, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry underlined efforts to achieve the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045, which places Indonesia as a developed country in 2045 and out of the trap of middle-income traps as a priority government program.

To achieve this vision, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry sees that the government needs to encourage the contribution of strategic sectors such as food and health security, technology-based digitization and manufacturing, increasing access to education for superior quality human resources, and encouraging sustainable development transitions.

"We encourage the government to always provide solutions to support that stimulate the business world, including increasing ease of doing business, preparing superior human resources with high productivity," said Yukki.

Kadin Indonesia juga meminta Pemerintah mendatang untuk mendorong ekspor yang lebih tinggi pada sektor yang dapat memberikan value-added output dan berpotensi mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, seperti hilih mineral strategis dan transisi energi baru terbarukan, termasuk kendaraan listrik atau electric vehicle.

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