BSI Gandeng BPJS Kesehatan To Facilitate Health Financing
Photo: Doc. Antara

PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) cooperates with the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) to facilitate financing for health facilities (faskes), so as to provide maximum service.

SVP SME Business Group BSI Risqi Widayat said the purpose of the collaboration was to increase financial financing and services support in accordance with sharia principles for BPJS Health partner facilities.

Later these health facilities will get ease of financing for the development of health infrastructure.

"Through this collaboration, BSI wants all partner facilities from BPJS Kesehatan to provide maximum service to JKN participants (National Health Insurance)," said Risqi in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 5.

Another point agreed in the cooperation, among others, is the payment of autodebet for BPJS Health contributions through BSI Mobile to make it easier for people to pay dues.

The company will also open branch offices and BSI ATMs at the BPJS Health office.

As for December 2023, BSI has distributed financing for the SME segment or to the BPJS Health partner health facility amounting to Rp405 billion.

Risqi said that currently BSI continues to encourage financing in the health sector to increase the life expectancy of the Indonesian people.

"Hopefully in the future BSI can continue to contribute to improving people's health and life expectancy. Therefore, BSI will continue to be a financial, social and spiritual friend," he said.

In line with this, Deputy Director of Region V BPJS Kesehatan Siswandi said that his party is fully committed to improving health facility services for the community.

Regarding the collaboration with state-owned banks, his party is ready to collaborate to support the progress of the sharia economy in the country through optimizing good services for the community.

"We hope that the autodebit service at BSI can be utilized as well as possible by all JKN-participants in Indonesia. We thank BSI for jointly maintaining the sustainability of the JKN Program," added Siswandi.

The autodebit cooperation complements several collaborations that have been carried out with BSI, such as Supply Infrastructure Financing (SIF), the JKN Concerned Community Funding Innovation Program, and other collaborations in order to improve service quality for JKN stakeholders.

As of December 2023, SME financing in BSI grew well. Until December 2023, the company's SME financing reached IDR 19.35 trillion.

BSI's SME financing focuses on resilience, robust and sustainable and segmented businesses in the financing of working capital, individual investments, and business entities with financing limits ranging from Rp200 million to Rp250 billion.

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