PLN Appreciation Observer Develops Hydrogen Gas Station
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - Observer Defiyan Cori appreciates the performance of PT PLN (Persero) through PT PLN Indonesia Power which is at the forefront of carrying out the energy transition in the automotive sector through the development of the first Hydrogen Refueling Station (HRS) in Indonesia.

The PT PLN Subholding, he continued, had started innovative and strategic breakthroughs by inaugurating the Hydrogen Center and Hydrogen Fuel Filling Station or Hydrogen Refueling Station in the Senayan Jakarta area.

"This is a form of commitment for the development of clean energy in achieving the ideals of Indonesia Gold 2045," said Defiyan in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 26.

According to the constitutional observer, this is a lifestyle change that was previously past-oriented into a futuristic lifestyle, based on digital systems, more efficient and environmentally friendly so that it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

He said the use of HRS was able to reduce the importation of 1.59 million liters of fuel oil/BBM per year. In addition to saving the use of fossil-based fuel, the decrease in emissions is confirmed to occur by 4.15 million kilograms per year.

The breakthrough related to the development of this energy transition, he added, has value not only in the sense that corporate actions are pursuing the performance of SOEs alone, but an important step in utilizing the potential of new energy resources and available renewable energy is very diverse in the country.

With strong support from stakeholders, according to him, PLN is able to realize by presenting Green Hydrogen Plant in 22 locations.

HRS is a downstream from the Green Hydrogen Plant (GHP), which includes residuals from Geothermal Power Plants/PLTP, Gas and Steam Power Plants/PLTGU and Steam Power Plants/PLTU as an energy source known only for power plants.

This, he explained, also proves that PLN is ready to become a major player in the new renewable energy ecosystem. PLN has carried out various innovations and product development to support the hydrogen ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

Defiyan hopes that PLN Indonesia Power will not stop innovating in responding to the challenges of the energy transition, but must continue to be improved until it becomes the mainstay of electricity generation in Indonesia.

PLN Indonesia Power has become an old player in green energy development such as the massive implementation of cofiring biomas in PLTU, cooperation in the construction of solar PV factories and other actions to accelerate the country's energy transition.

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