JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance noted that the realization of debt financing or new debt withdrawals in January 2024 was IDR 107.6 trillion, an increase of 7.62 percent compared to January 2023 which reached IDR 99.4 trillion.
Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara conveyed the realization of debt financing of Rp107.6 trillion or 16.6 percent of the APBN target of Rp648.1 trillion.
"Our on-track budget financing has realized the realized budget financing of Rp107.6 trillion in January 2024," he said at a press conference on our State Budget, Thursday, February 22.
Suahasil said that the government will continue to monitor the development of financial market dynamics so that in issuing state securities (SBN) it can be carried out efficiently, and can anticipate and mitigate the risk of conditions at the global level.
"We continue to synergize and coordinate with Bank Indonesia and we will continue to finance prudently, flexibly, and we are looking for the right opportunity, and measured according to the target in the APBN," he said.
Suahasil explained that the flexible term in question is to ensure the right time in issuing debt securities, the amount, the instrument and also the currency mix.
"We always think about the context of the timing when, the amount, the zing, the form of the instrument, and the currency mix, when we issue it in the rupiah and when we issue it in foreign currency," he concluded.
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