Impact Of The Heritage Building Of The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Retak, PT PP Temporarily Stops BSI Tower Development
Photo: (Doc. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)

JAKARTA - PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk or PT PP has temporarily suspended the construction of the BSI Tower project because it has an impact on the Heritage Building of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

For your information, the Heritage Building, which is located next to the BSI Tower project construction area, experienced quite severe cracks on the inside and outside the room.

PT PP Corporate Secretary Bakhtiyar Efendi said that based on the monitoring carried out by the company, there was a decrease in resilience over time which caused a rift in the dilation section.

Efendi said this condition had been coordinated with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources previously so that it recommended that the Heritage Building be temporarily vacated for restoration.

Along with that, Efendi said PT PP temporarily suspended project construction work and conducted evaluations, accompanied by the Ministry of PUPR. Also, prepare a follow-up to further mitigation planning for strengthening.

"We are currently evaluating with Geotechnic Experts and being accompanied by PUPR in anticipating this settlement to be controlled in the future," he said in an official statement, Thursday, February 1.

"Of course we will also coordinate intensively with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to minimize the impact and restore the condition of the Heritage Building building," he continued.

Efendi said the construction of the BSI office building began in November with the signing of the groundbreaking on November 9, 2023. PT PP (Persero) Tbk has been appointed as the winning contractor for the BSI Building tender with a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) scheme for 30 years.

Furthermore, Efendi explained that before starting the first phase of development, namely the foundation and basement of the building, the company had also carried out socialization in the surrounding project environment.

"PT PP (Persero) Tbk as the executor of the building construction stated that before the implementation it had conducted socialization to the environment around the building including the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," he said.

In addition, Efendi said that as an anticipatory and mitigation step on the risk of ground movement, inclinometer placements have also been carried out, periodic monitoring settlements, and the use of a secant pile retaining wall system in accordance with the characteristics of the soil at the location and maintaining the existing retaining wall.

He also said that PT PP remains committed to carrying out construction work in accordance with building safety procedures and paying attention to the surrounding environment according to quality, health, safety and environment guidelines.

"We are also committed to always being cooperative with all stakeholders at the BSI Tower Development Project," said Efendi.

Meanwhile, Head of the Communication and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Agus Cahyono Adi said PT PP was quite cooperative in coordinating with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and had agreed to temporarily vacate the heritage building to facilitate the restoration process.

"PT PP is committed to evaluating, planning to avoid future settlements and repairing heritage buildings," said Agus.

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