What Is Sharia Giro: Here's The Retail And How To Disburse It
What Is Giro Syariah (Prakenimages Image - Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Many do not know what sharia giro is. The reason is, sharia giro is a non-cash payment tool with Islamic principles. Know the meaning, type, and how to disburse Syariah giro here!

Giro sharia is a giro financial product with a sharia transaction contract according to Islamic values. This savings account is filled with a kind of ordinary savings, but the disbursement of funds can only use a bilyet giro. Bilyet giro is a pile of special letters that function to carry out non-cash transactions.

Then, what distinguishes conventional gyro from sharia? What are the benefits? Find out the answer in the following article, come on!

Saat sebelum membahas produk syariah ini lebih jauh, pal OCBC NISP harus mengetahui penuhan giro syariah terlebih dahulu. Giro syariah merupakan produk keuangan syariah berupa sebuah lapangan yang berperan sebagai pembayaran non-cash seperti pengembijakan bukukan dana dari satu rekening ke rekening yang lain.

The mechanism for the use and operation of products must be sourced on sharia principles that have been stipulated in the Regulation and Fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN) No 86/DSN-MUI/XII/2012.

For example, sharia giro, you can find financial institutions that provide sharia products such as the OCBC NISP bank.

Sharia Giro Types

The types of sharia gyro are distinguished based on their ownership, namely individuals, foundational institutions, business entities, and government agencies.

1. Individual

There is only one person who publishes this type of giro and is used for personal purposes.

2. Foundations

The foundational institution uses sharia financial products for the non-profit transaction process. Generally only the chairman can issue and sign the giro.

3. Business entities

Entrepreneurs who want to transact non-cash with business partners but always use sharia principles, so that the game with sharia principles becomes an option.

4. Government bodies

Government agencies or Islamic institutions generally use these products to transact so that they remain in accordance with sharia principles and are free from usury.

Not different from conventional gyro, there are several benefits of sharia giro that you can get throughout its use. What are they? Here's the list.

Giro plays a role as a means of payment for buying and selling transactions or other business activities. Deposits in a giro account can be withdrawn at any time, such as with banking account savings in general.

Giro is a legal means of payment without being charged with administrative costs. So that the giro giver can directly submit the giro letter to the attractor without having to deduct administrative costs such as ATM transfers of different banks.

Not much different from checking, this banking product can be used for financial transactions with a large nominal value of up to IDR 500,000.000 per transaction.

3 Differences Between Conventional And Sharia Giro

Conventional Giro and sharia are both savings products. However, what is the difference between the two?


The transaction contract used between conventional and sharia gyro has changed. Giro performs sharia to apply sharia principles, so he does not recognize interest rates but for results. The type of sharia contract used is in the form of wadiah and mudharabah, depending on the product of the giro account itself.

On the other hand, conventional gyro applies interest rates with different amounts.

Types Of Currency

Giro akad syariah only enforces 3 types of currencies including Rupiah, Singapore Dollar, and US Dollar.

Unlike conventional gyros that apply various types of currencies, ranging from Rupiah, Poundsterling, Euros, Dollars and others.


The last comparison between conventional and sharia gyro lies in its profits. Giro is self-consisting that he does not benefit or interest, on the other hand, the giro carrying out the mudharabah will get profits based on investment returns between customers and financial institutions.

Meanwhile, conventional gyro applies different amounts of interest to its customers.

The steps in opening a sharia giro account are as follows:

How To Disburse Sharia Giro

The method of diluting sharia giro is so easy, follow the following 5 stages.

In addition, you can get to know the 'Sharia Economic Principle in Islam' to better understand the concept of sharia.

So after knowing what sharia giro is, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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