Attract Capital Market Investors, BSI Launches Sharia Online RDN
Launch of RDN Online BSI (Photo: Aris Nurjani/VOI)

JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BRIS) or BSI officially launched an Online Sharia Customer Fund Account (RDN). The RDN service can open up business opportunities in the Islamic capital market. In addition, BSI is also the first Islamic bank in Indonesia to provide RDN services online.

BSI Sales & Distribution Director Anton Sukarna said that BSI had received approval to open RDN online through the Mandiri Online Securities Trading (MOST) platform as of December 1, 2023.

"We may target around 100,000 for 2024. Then the increase is up to 2 to 3 times," said Anton during the Grand Launching RDN Online BSI at the Main Hall of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Jakarta, Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

In addition, Anton hopes that the opening of the Online RDN can provide new ways and models for Islamic banking investors in investing. Because the development of Islamic investors still has great potential in Indonesia.

However, Anton saw that in terms of penetration it was still low, namely 2.6 percent of the total 5.7 million capital market investors. This means that investors who transact through RDN Islamic banks only reach 37 thousand.

"The potential is enormous. With this Sharia Online RDN, the hope is to boost the number of Islamic investors in Indonesia to reach 1 million Islamic stock accounts," he said.

Anton said that in the future BSI will become a bank that has an MPPPE (Meter Market Marketing for Stock Traders) permit which is expected to contribute to a progressive increase in the market share of the Islamic capital market.

"God willing, it is not just a new sharia IDX service. Hopefully we can develop these stock financial services to a high level," he explained.

On the same occasion, IDX Development Director Jeffrey Hendrik said, the Islamic capital market in Indonesia continues to record growth.

Indonesia received the The Best Islamic Capital Market award for four consecutive years. All of these achievements should be grateful, even though the number of investors is still not at an optimal point," he said.

As is known, the number of Islamic capital market investors reached 136,000 by the end of 2023. This figure has increased significantly in the last 5 years which reached 44,536 Islamic investors in 2018.

Jeffrey added that BSI is the first Islamic commercial bank (BUS) to provide Online RDN. This is a milestone in the development of the Indonesian Islamic capital market.

"Milestone, the history of the Indonesian Islamic capital market, has started in 1997 where the first sharia mutual funds were raised and the issuance of the Jakarta Islamic Index containing 30 shares, then there was a fatwa from the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN MUI)," he said.

Jeffrey said 628 shares or 69 percent of the 910 shares listed on the IDX were Islamic shares. In addition, Indonesia is also the first country to implement the SOTS (Sharia Online Trading System).

"Even Abu Dhabi wants to study in Indonesia learning online trading systems. Four consecutive years of getting the best Islamic capital market," he explained.

With the achievement of the Islamic capital market, according to Jeffrey, it is necessary to be grateful even though this achievement is still not optimal considering that currently there are only 138 thousand Islamic stock investors out of 12.8 million investors, so this figure must continue to grow.

"We welcome the BSI initiative, it can make it easier for people who want to become Islamic investors," he explained.

In addition, Jeffrey hopes that the stock exchange (AB) members can immediately take advantage of BSI's initiative so that the potential of the Islamic capital market will continue to be developed in the future.

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