Tips For Choosing Sharia Investment Products To Be Safer And Halal
Tips For Choosing Sharia Investment Products

YOGYAKARTA - For some Muslims in Indonesia, of course, in terms of banking and investment, many are more comfortable with Sharia. The reason is, one of them is because it has been adjusted in such a way as Islamic law. Then what are the tips for choosing sharia investment products?

Who says there is no investment in sharia. Of course, at this time for Muslims who believe in sharia, they will definitely be interested in the name of sharia investment. What is it like?

The reason is, sharia investment is an investment that is deliberately designed and follows the principles that exist in Islamic sharia. The basis is that this principle will focus on the use and management of wealth in accordance with religious law.

Did you know, the good news is that sharia investment prohibits users and income from various forms of business that are not in accordance with Islamic law, such as liquor products, usury, and also various forms of gambling.

Then what are the tips for choosing good sharia investment products?

1. Determine Investment Goals

At first, as investors, you must ensure what is called an investment destination. For example, if you want to buy a dream Android, you can take a short-term investment.

In contrast, if you want to buy housing, a car or motorbike, choose a long-term investment that is over 10 years old, because this will be appropriate for your investment profile.

2. Know The Types Of Sharia Investment Products

For the next step, after confirming the financial goal, you must know what investment products are able to bring the profit closer to the financial target.

In fact, in sharia investment products, you can buy sharia mutual fund products, sharia bonds, sharia stocks, to peer to peer lending sharia. In selecting sharia investment products, make sure you adjust to the risk profile, yes, pay more attention to the next review below.

3. Select Investment Product according to Risk Profile

The third step, when you sort out investment products, you must know what your risk profile is. Are you conservative, moderate, or aggressive. By recognizing this risk profile, you will be able to prepare for risks if you get a loss at any time. Make the type of investment product, you can observe through the following list points:

- Sharia mutual funds (conservative-moderate)

- Islamic bonds (moderate)

- Sharia stocks (aggressive/high)

- Peak to Peak Lending sharia (moderate-aggressive)

4. Find Out About The Investment Fund Management Platform

To become an investor, it is very important to find out historical information on investment platforms so that the funds you deposit are guaranteed. Because there are many fraudulent investment problems, investor funds are taken away by fund managers. Therefore, you must be observant in ensuring the investment platform.

Here's an example, for example, if you want to invest as a financier or investor on the peer to peer lending sharia platform, you can choose the Ethis platform because it has a good track record and has clear legality and is already registered with OJK and AMP; Indonesian sharia fintech.

5. Find Out How Sharia Investment Profits For Investors

The last step, as Islamic investors, is that you need to be observant when sorting out what is called an investment product. Because it is possible that a product will be labeled sharia but in the form of transactions and the results are not in accordance with the sharia contract. Chaotic, right?

Therefore, you as investors must know how a platform sells and provides the proceeds of its profits with its investors. For example, you want to find a peer to peer lending sharia platform, first believe the form of profit, whether it is generated from profit for the returns between fund borrowers and investors rather than interest or not.

You can allocate five points in this content to be a reference or guide when you decide to become a sharia investor. You can choose any investment product according to your preferences and risk profile, be it mutual funds, bonds, stocks, to peer lending sharia.

So after knowing the tips for choosing sharia investment products, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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