JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) appreciates the growing digital trade platform by the nation's children (WeDeals) to make it easier for people to make travel transactions and home needs, also making Indonesian MSMEs move up in class.
"We need to encourage, when there are children of the nation who have creations and innovations to make products and have a positive impact on society and a positive impact on the republic, why not," said Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga at the launch of WeDeals at Puri Begawan, Bogor City.
Jerry said the growth of digital trading platforms needs to be encouraged so that how it can synergize with consumers, with other business actors, with associations, because the most important thing is the synergy of all stakeholders.
Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga together with the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City Syarifah Sofiah and the 2015-2018 Bogor Regent Nurhayanti attended the launch of the digital trading platform for booking hotels by the nation's children which will be developed to purchase aircraft tickets, trains, electricity tokens, MSME products to credits named WeDeals.
Hundreds of community representatives from various regions in Indonesia spilled over during the launch of the digital trading platform. They wear various regional clothing in the archipelago.
"I think this activity is positive, because of what, because many empower MSMEs, Indonesian products and of course we are proud of Indonesian products," he said.
Jerry supports digital platforms in Indonesia in synergy with communities, one of which is the crypto community as a commodity forum, not as a currency.
CEO of PT Kreatika Teknologi Nusantara, Duwi Sudarto Putra, explained that the digital trading platform WeDeals is the work of the nation's children and uses a server database in Indonesia to develop digital services to the public.
Since one month of socialization to the public, this digital hotel booking service has had 5,000 registrants.
The digital trading platform that is still being developed can still only be accessed through a website with mobile adjustments until later the application version is complete with aircraft ticket booking features, hotels, MSMEs and electricity tokens included.
Meanwhile, the platform's advantage is to collaborate with the crypto community for the international community. Those who order tickets to Indonesia do not need to be difficult because various services are provided.
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