Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil: Universities Have An Important Role In Supporting Inclusive Development
Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara revealed that the campus can play a role in realizing inclusive development in Indonesia. He conveyed this when giving a public lecture at Nias Raya University (Unira) today.

"Be an inclusive Nias, become a very open Nias, respect diversity, respect different ideas, but with the same consistent goal of advancing Nias," he said in a written statement on Monday, September 11.

According to Suahasil, the academic community must be able to combine and combine science, arts/culture to dig deeper into wealth and local potential. He said, the quality of human resources is an important point that must be properly maintained.

First, the character of integrity. Never will our country, community, village, district progress without integrity. In the academic world, we learn through academic integrity that we hope will later become the seeds that you bring to be the integrity in all dimensions of life out there. So I want to leave it so that this integrity will be stronger," he said.

Second, continued Suahasil, is creativity. He wants campuses to adapt to the digital era, especially with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI). The Deputy Sri Mulyani also said that the academic community is always ready in the event of a pandemic again in the future.

"Economic activities must also continue to be encouraged in order to foster prosperity for the community and also be directed to be greener so that it is more sustainable," he said.

Finally, Suahasil advised universities to maintain relevance and become agents of change to achieve the always echoed goals of the Indonesian state.

"Our university asks us to become agents of change, translate aspects in the corridor of our destination as countries that we always echo. Protect all nations and spill Indonesian blood, advance public welfare, educate the nation's life, and continue to participate in implementing world order. This is a contribution from Indonesia, Nias donations, donations from the entire community to a better world, "concluded the Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.

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