PLN Wants Energy Transition To Become Growth Accelerator
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) expressed a strong commitment to support the national energy transition. PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said the agenda has the potential to have a positive effect on the economy at large.

"Well, for that, with this energy transition, we designed a plan that will be able to facilitate acceleration of growth. In addition, here is also how we can create more jobs, bring prosperity and build the nation," he said in a discussion in a series of ASEAN Summit meetings in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.

According to Darmawan, PLN as the government's representative in providing national energy will continue to garner synergies with all strategic partners in the region.

"We want all partners at the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum to build a collaboration that will lead Indonesia to become a developed country that is far ahead," he said.

Darmawan said that the Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) was still in the final stage.

"Mr. President regarding the energy transition so that to achieve net zero emissions in 2060 is not only in short terms but in mid terms and also long terms," he said.

Darmawan added that the government is also studying comprehensively on technical challenges, capital investment challenges, to potential risks faced.

"We want all risks to be managed until it is properly mitigated so that the energy transition agenda is really not only high level scenario planning but can also be translated into effective operations in the field," he stressed.

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