Construction Of SPAM Way Sepagasan Completed, It Can Meet Drinking Water Needs 975 House Units
Illustration of clean water (Photo: Doc. KPUPR)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of a Drinking Water Development System (SPAM) facility for the Capital City District (IKK) Way Sepagasan in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province. This SPAM was completed in 2021 and has served 975 Home Connection (SR) units of the target of 4,800 SR units.

SPAM IKK Way Sepagasan in Pringsewu Regency is about 120 kilometers (km) from downtown Bandar Lampung or can be reached in about 3 hours 30 minutes by land.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the SPAM development was prioritized to meet domestic needs so that people could enjoy quality drinking water at affordable prices.

"Fulfilling the need for drinking water is one of the priorities besides the sanitation program, especially to deal with stunting or growth disorders in toddlers due to a lack of clean water and sanitation. Currently, the PUPR Ministry is building many SPAMs in various regions," said Basuki through his official statement, Monday, August 21.

The Way Sepagasan SPAM itself was built by the Lampung Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center, Directorate General of Cipta Karya, Ministry of PUPR by utilizing the capacity of the water source from the Way Sepagasan River, which is located in the Protected Forest Area of ​​North Pagelaran District, Pringsewu Regency.

This SPAM is projected to be able to serve the drinking water needs of 4,800 SR units or the equivalent of 24,000 people in four sub-districts, namely Pagelaran Utara, Sukoharjo, Banyumas and Adiluwih Districts.

The construction of a Water Management Installation (IPA) with a capacity of 2X30 liters per second and a pipeline network has been built by the PUPR Ministry in 2020-2021 with a state budget budget of IDR 54.49 billion.

A number of new facilities have been built in the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) area, one of which is water treatment which is considered environmentally friendly, because it uses a gravity system from the intake to the IPA which is located upstream.

The IPA structure uses steel with a concrete foundation, equipped with Sludge Drying Bed, sludge filter tub, the reservoir already uses glass steel with a capacity of 1,000 cubic meters, so it is very good for ready-to-drink water technology.

Not only that, but the PUPR Ministry is also building management office space, perimeter fences, landscaping, pump houses, main water meters, laboratories, chemical warehouses, and generator houses.

Furthermore, outside the WTP, HDPE pipes, culverts, three pipe bridges with a diameter of 350 mm (mm) were built, and an area water meter with a diameter of 75 mm.

Basuki said the PUPR Ministry continues to encourage the regional government of Pringsewu Regency to develop the Way Sepagasan SPAM through the addition of a house connection program.

"So, the benefits of drinking water management installations that have been built can be optimal," he said.

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