Deputy Minister Of Finance Enters Ambon Market, Symbol Of Maluku Contribution To The National Economy
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA In a series of working visits in Maluku Province, Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara visited the construction of Mardika Market located in Ambon City. According to him, the community facilities were built through three budget periods, namely, 2021, 2022 and 2023, worth a total of more than IDR 134 billion.

"We hope that the assets built in the APBN can be utilized by the community. Traders can maximize using facilities in the market to sell and earn income, the buyer community can comfortably buy into the market, so that at the same time the economy of the people in the Ambon area and its surroundings can run well and quickly," he said in a press release today, Friday, August 18.

Suahasil explained that the economic contribution of the Maluku region, especially North Maluku (Malut), showed a positive direction. It was stated that North Maluku's performance grew strongly with Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2023 which reached 23.89 percent. This moner score cannot be separated from the activities of the manufacturing and mining industry sector.

"I ask my friends from the Ministry of Finance to really be able to translate the advantages of North Maluku, the advantages of each city district. Here is nickel, here is geothermal, here there is fisheries, here each sector is translated into a welfare effect," he said.

The Deputy Minister of Finance emphasized the importance of the role of all levels of the Ministry of Finance to assist local governments in exploring potential, as well as solving problems and obstacles that occur in the regions. The hope is that the community will get optimal benefits from the state budget and achieve prosperity.

"We analyze the data that occurred in the North Maluku economy. If you want to go through agriculture, want to go through mining, want to go through education, want to go through stunting, but in the end it is the welfare of the community," said Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.

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