JAKARTA - Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Policy Analysts (AAKI) Trubus Rahadiansyah assessed that Pertamina managed to secure the supply of 3 kilograms of LPG (kg) through market operations in various regions in the country.
According to him, the oil and gas SOEs are ready to carry out subsidized gas fuel market operations in various parts of Indonesia, such as North Sumatra, South Sumatra, East Java, Central Java, Bali, Sulawesi, and Maluku.
"The market operation can secure 3 kg LPG supply in various regions in the country. It will be met quickly. If demand increases, it will be met immediately," Trubus said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 2.
According to him, in the current condition, Pertamina's market operations are considered a good effort, but this step is a short-term solution.
In the long term, he added, it should also be accompanied by improved governance in distribution.
Especially, the rules regarding the party responsible for supervising from base to retailer, because Pertamina's obligation is only limited to the base that has been done well so far.
"But after whose base? Nothing, and indeed there are no strict rules," he said.
The gap, according to Trubus, opens up opportunities for irregularities, including distribution to users who are not on target, in fact, the 3 kg gas should only be for poor families.
Separately, Chairman of Commission III, Bali Provincial DPRD AA Ngurah Adhi Ardhana stated that the 3 kg gas supply on the Island of the Gods is now safe.
According to him, the conditions that occurred in Bali were due to the inability of retailers to distribute them according to the stipulated quota, as a result, many rich people use melon gas. For this reason, he hopes that market operations will not only be carried out this time.
Meanwhile, member of Commission VII DPR Hendrik H Sitompul, who previously examined the existence of LPG in North Sumatra, including North Tapanuli and Deli Serdang, asked the public not to panic, because Pertamina had ensured that the stock was safe and the price was normal.
Previously, member of Commission VII DPR RI Bambang Patijaya stated that the existence of 3 kg LPG in Bangka Belitung Province (Babel) began to be resolved after Pertamina increased more than 70 thousand 3 kg gas cylinders for the province.
"I urge the people of Babel not to panic, because I have coordinated with Pertamina to immediately overcome this," he said.
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