The Ministry Of PUPR Builds A Domestic Waste Management System In Makassar, South Sulawesi
Construction of the Central Domestic Waste Management System or MSMIP in Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Photo: Doc. Ministry of PUPR

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is building a Central Domestic Waste Management System or Metropolitan Sanitation Investment Project (MSMIP) in Makassar City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel).

The MSMIP program in Makassar aims to improve integrated wastewater services in urban areas. Its work includes the construction of an IPAL (waste water treatment plant) with MBBR technology and the installation of a 6.8 kilometer pipeline network (km).

"IPAL is built with a capacity of 16,000 m3/day or approximately able to serve around 22.000 connections. Starting from household consumers, hospitals, shops and offices," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in his official statement, Friday, July 28.

Basuki added that the main goal is for better environmental quality, because settlements are getting denser, the waste is also increasing. "So, we have to process it first before entering the water agency," he said.

Currently, the construction progress of the entire MSMIP Program work package has reached 95 percent, including the progress of its IPAL construction. According to the plan, the IPAL will start operations by the end of 2023.

"The total budget is IDR 948 billion or almost IDR 1 trillion. Currently, the IPAL can operate with a capacity of 1200 m3/day and will continue to increase as the pipeline is completed. Hopefully, November 2023 will be connected and can operate immediately," said Basuki.

Seeing the progress of the work that is almost finished, Minister Basuki advised to maintain cleanliness and tidiness, and increase reforestation. "Later, after it's finished, don't forget to tidy it up. If there are remaining materials removed. Please start planting shady trees from now on," he said.

Meanwhile, Makassar Mayor Danny Pomanto said that this integrated wastewater management system is a new thing that needs to be socialized to the public.

"Hopefully, later there will be no more dropping water (limbah) dumped in the ground and the water agency. Thus, the health level will increase and the environment will also be cleaner," he added.

For your information, in Indonesia, the MSMIP Program is implemented in four metropolitan cities, namely Makassar, Palembang, Jambi, and Pekanbaru. Later, domestic liquid waste will be channeled from homes to the IPAL system through pipeline installations, and no longer use weapons trucks.

The waste will be processed until the water quality is safe for the environment. The technology used is the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) which uses polyethylene biofilms.

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