Minister Of Manpower Ida: Government Improves TKM Competence To Have Competitiveness And Become A Job Provider
Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Minister of Manpower (Menaker), Ida Fauziyah said the government continues to facilitate the improvement of the competence of Independent Workers (TKM) in order to have competitiveness and be able to become a sustainable job provider.

"We are all expected to be able to create a good entrepreneurial ecosystem. This is a responsibility that requires the involvement of all parties, and rest assured that our small contribution will have a tremendous impact on the development of TKM," said Minister of Manpower Ida, quoted from Antara, Sunday.

The Minister of Manpower said that his party continues to hold social dialogues with entrepreneurs so that the availability of job vacancies in the formal sector remains stable and inclusive.

Meanwhile, in the informal sector, he continued, the Ministry of Manpower has taken steps in the form of stimulants of providing business assistance, one of which is assistance for the TKM group, including small, micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"I do not deny that the MSME sector is not only a sector that retains the national economy, but instead becomes an important pillar in Indonesia's economic recovery through the crisis," he said.

Ida added that in creating entrepreneurs who can absorb labor massively, productively and sustainably, the TKM program certainly needs to get support from all parties.

"We all have an important role in reducing the unemployment rate in Indonesia through business creation that contributes to the economy for ourselves, society, and even nationally," said Minister of Manpower Ida.

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