Support The Tourism Activity Of DPSP Borobudur, Ministry Of PUPR Targets The Construction Of YIA Rampung Airport Flood Control This Year
The Ministry of PUPR is completing the construction of flood control infrastructure at Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in Kulon Progo Regency. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of PUPR)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of PUPR through the Serayu Opak River Basin Center (BBWS), the Directorate General of Water Resources, is completing the construction of a number of flood control infrastructure in the Bogowonto and Serang Watersheds (DAS), in reducing the risk of flooding at Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Airport.

Head of BBWS Serayu Opak Ministry of PUPR Dwi Purwantoro said infrastructure support was carried out in an integrated manner, ranging from repair/normalization of river bodies, increasing river capacity, construction of drainage systems, drains, retention ponds, procurement of flood pumps, to water reservoirs along rivers (long storage).

The construction of flood control at YIA Airport is divided into four work packages carried out from 2020 to 2023. First, the construction of the Bogowonto West Side River Muara Security carried out by the contractor PT. Bumi Karsa-Abipraya KSO with a contract value of IDR 428.88 billion.

"The scope of work is in the form of the construction of a 306 meter jetty and a 322 meter river embankment, with the current progress of 94.38 percent. Currently, another 75 meter long embankment is being completed which will be connected to the third package on the Bogowono River," Dwi said in his official statement, Saturday, January 28.

For the second package, namely the construction of the Bogowonto East Side River Muara Security carried out by the WIKA-ADP KSO contractor with a contract value of IDR 413 billion. The scope of work is in the form of the construction of a 306-meter jetty and a 258-meter river embankment, with the current progress of 99.09 percent.

"It remains only to complete the embankment of about 25 meters and structuring the area which is currently still a design maturation. The target for completion in July 2023 is in accordance with the contract. For jetty, there is less improvement in the form of tetrapod installation on the top layer," explained Dwi.

The third package is the construction of the Bogowonto River flood control infrastructure carried out by contractor PT Brantas Abipraya with a contract value of IDR 360.2 billion. The scope of work includes increasing river capacity, long storage work, cliff/revetment strengthening, retention ponds and procurement of flood pumps, with construction progress of 73.91 percent.

Finally, the construction of the Serang River Flood Control Infrastructure carried out by PT contractors. Housing construction with a contract value of Rp295 billion. The scope of work for the fourth package includes work on increasing river capacity, long storage, cliff/revetment strengthening, retention ponds, and pumps, with construction progress of 83.98 percent.

For your information, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the construction of flood control infrastructure at Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in Kulon Progo Regency, in order to support tourism activities at the Borobudur Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

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