Until The End Of 2022, PLN Prepares 570 SPKLUs To Serve Community Throughout Indonesia
PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo. (Photo: Doc. PLN)

JAKARTA - Until the end of 2022, PT PLN (Persero) has provided 570 Electricity POMs or Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in 238 locations that are ready to serve people throughout Indonesia.

Finally, PLN officially operates 1 SPKLU located at the Trans Sumatra Toll Rest Area Km 172B (West Tulang Bawang Regency towards Bakauheni) Lampung Province.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that PLN is aggressively building SPKLU to ensure the availability of electric vehicle charging infrastructure so that the Indonesian people do not hesitate to switch to electric vehicles that are more environmentally friendly.

"We continue to increase SPKLU to increase public confidence to switch to electric vehicles. Until December 21, we have operated 570 SPKLU units," Darmawan said in a statement released, Friday, December 23.

This SPKLU is supported by three types of charging that are ready to operate optimally to meet the needs of the community, including Medium Charging, Fast Charging to Ultra Fast Charging.

Darmawan explained that the number of electric vehicles in Indonesia continues to increase. Based on data from the Korlantas Polri as of October 2022, the number of KBLBB in Indonesia is 29,096 units consisting of 5,056 four-wheeled vehicles and 24,040 two-wheeled vehicles.

"PLN cannot provide it alone, it needs collaboration from various parties to provide SPKLU. This is also a new business opportunity for anyone interested, because we open up the widest possible opportunities for cooperation in the development of this SPKLU," said Darmawan.

He explained that currently PLN has prepared this SPKLU business scheme with the Partnership Investor Owned Investor Operate (IO2) system. The SPKLU Partnership IO2 scheme consists of three packages, namely the Medium Charger Package, Fast Charger Package, and Ultra Fast Charger Packages.

Untuk mengajukan skema kerja sama ini juga sangat mudah. Para calon investor hanya tinggal mengakses laman https://layanan.pln.co.id/partnership-io2-spklu/untuk register dimana, didalamnya terdapat pilihan skema kerja sama dan juga syarat kerja sama.

"The presence of this SPKLU is to make it easier for people to charge, the easier it is for people to be more interested in using electric vehicles," said Darmawan.

In addition to SPKLU services, PLN also provides Home Charging services for vehicle screening at home.

PLN has collaborated with various Merk Holder Agents (APM) of electric vehicles this year.

So that when a customer buys an electric vehicle, they immediately get a free install service for home charging from PLN.

"PLN also provides many incentives such as special tariff discounts for charging from 00.00 to 05.00 at 30 percent. In addition, PLN also provides special package prices to increase power for electric vehicle owners," said Darmawan.

He hopes that the existence of SPKLU and Home Charging will further encourage people to switch to using electric vehicles.

Thus, Darmawan continued, the transition of electric vehicles will assist the government in reducing carbon emissions in order to achieve the net zero emission (NZE) target by 2060.

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