The Government Disbursed Funds Of Rp. 10 Trillion To PLN, SMF, And BPDLH
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance has allocated an investment of IDR 10 trillion to support the development of clean energy and environmental management. Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said this step is proof of the government's concreteness in overcoming the issue of climate change which continues to be a concern.

"This budget is in the posture of the APBN, among others in the form of State Capital Participation (PMN) and Disaster Pooling Fund (PFB)," he said in a press release on Friday, December 16.

According to the Minister of Finance, his party together with the Ministry of SOEs with three Government investment recipients, namely PT PLN, the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) and PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial, have signed a Letter of Commitment (LoC).

"We hope that of course the funds originating from public money can produce maximum benefits for the community and the economy," he said.

The Minister of Finance detailed that PLN would receive IDR 5 trillion to finance distribution projects including new and renewable energy plants (EBT). Meanwhile, SMF gets IDR 2 trillion which is focused on financing affordable housing for low-income people (MBR) with a better-ordered environment.

Meanwhile, BPDLH received IDR 3 trillion for climate change control, sustainable forest management, forest and land fires control and peat land restoration and others.

"The government will continue to make mitigation and adaptation efforts through policies to develop clean energy or green energy," he stressed.

The state treasurer also said that this initiative could not only have a good impact on the environment, but also provide positive benefits socially and economically for the community.

"I am happy today to see the joint work of the Ministry of Finance to change the way people can continue to get productive activities to create prosperity in line with the principle of a green economy," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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