Trial Of Restrictions On Purchase Of Elpiji 3 Kg Will Be Implemented Next Year, Here's The Scheme
Illustration of LPG 3Kg (Photo: Antara)

YOGYAKARTA The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will conduct a trial of limiting the purchase of 3 kg of LPG nationally.

This information was conveyed by the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, at the DPR RI Building, Monday, December 12, 2022.

Tutuka said, the policy was originally implemented in several regions and will be implemented nationally next year.

"Now we have started (restrictions), but next year we will be full," said Tutuka, quoted from CNN Indonesia.

Tutuka said that the 3 kg LPG purchase restriction policy was carried out to achieve the government's target, namely subsidies that were right on target. The reason is, so far, 3Kg liquid petroleum gas (LPG) buyers are not only entitled to the poor, but also rich people.

"So we are evaluating what has been done and now what to do to make it more targeted," he explained.

He added that the government would use the Marketing Data for the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty (P3KE) to be integrated with the MyPertamina application in stages.

Tutuka said that the LPG restriction cone would be the same as the purchase of Subsidized fuel oil (BBM).

In the future, people who want to buy 4Kg LPG must be registered in the MyPertamina application. For the poor whose data is not yet available in P3KE, they can directly register on the My Pertamina application.

Tutuka emphasized that the restriction on the purchase of LPG 3Kg was a new trial process with the aim of collecting data.

"We are using P3KE data now. So we are trying to implement it, already in 5 regencies/cities, Cipondoh, South Tangerang, then some are in Semarang, there are five. This year we are full (trial restrictions)," said Tutuka.

3Kg Elpiji Purchase Restrictions Scheme

The 3Kg LPG purchase restriction scheme was conveyed by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Screenary, Irto Ginting.

Irto revealed, currently, the government is still synchronizing data with P3KE data.

Irto said that currently the government has not limited the purchase of 3Kg LPG.

He added that the application used was the "exact subsidy" application. However, people don't need to worry. This is because people don't need to download the right subsidy application.

Not only that, but there has also been no change in the purchase of 3Kg LPG.

"There is no change in how to buy, consumers also don't need to download applications. People don't have to worry," Irto told CNBC Indonesia, quoted Wednesday, December 14, 2022.

Irto also asked people who have not registered with the P3KE data not to worry, because there will be data updates for 3Kg LPG subsidies on target.

"Even those who have not been registered in the P3KE data, later we will update the data," concluded Irto.

For more information, the use of 3Kg LPG often leaks, especially when it is not right on target. Currently, 3KG LPG is not only used by poor or poor people, but also the poor.

That's the information regarding the 3Kg LPG purchase restriction. To get the latest news updates, keep looking at

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