Claim The Seriousness Of The Government In Discussing The Oil And Gas Bill, Commission VII CHARGES The Potential For Loss Of State Revenue
Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto assessed that the government did not show its seriousness in discussing the revision of the oil and gas law (RUU Migas). In fact, said Mulyanto, so far the DPR has often reminded the government regarding the importance of discussing this Oil and Gas Bill.

According to him, until now the Presidential Letter (Surpres) to the DPR to discuss the Oil and Gas Bill was not accompanied by a list of problem inventory (DIM). "How can the DPR want to discuss this Oil and Gas Bill if the President does not send DIM. Because the discussion of the bill must refer to DIM," said Mulyanto to the media, Wednesday, November 23.

If the Oil and Gas Bill is not implemented immediately, he is worried that Indonesia has the potential to lose a large enough state revenue. In the end, the Indonesian people will be harmed.

Mulyanto said the news of the departure of several foreign oil and gas companies from Indonesia should be a concern for the government to clean up and must immediately evaluate various regulations that make foreign oil and gas investors uncomfortable continuing investment activities in Indonesia. This includes immediately revising Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas (UU Migas) which is considered irrelevant.

Previously, in the discussion of the Job Creation Bill, the government included the Oil and Gas Bill, including the proposed institutional establishment of Special Oil and Gas SOEs.

"However, during the discussion, the government itself was not ready and withdrew the discussion proposal," he continued.

Mulyanto said there are several important things that need to be regulated in the new Oil and Gas Law. Especially related to institutional issues and licensing.

He hopes that with the Oil and Gas Law, a fully authorized institution will be born to regulate upstream oil and gas activities that have been temporarily carried out by SKK Migas. This institution, said Mulyanto, must have full authority to regulate various oil and gas policies comprehensively.

"Not partial as has been the case so far. Even if necessary, the institution must be at the ministry level. So that the head of this institution can speak directly at cabinet meetings," concluded Mulyanto.

Just so you know, Commission VII of the DPR RI plans to immediately discuss the DPR's initiative regarding the Oil and Gas Bill, after completing the discussion of the Draft Law on New Energy and Renewable Energy (RUU EBET). However, like the Oil and Gas Bill, the government has not sent DIM again regarding the EBET Bill. It has even passed 60 days since the letter was received by the DPR.

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