The G20 Summit Has A Positive Impact On Parekraf Perpetrators In Bali
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno. (Photo: Doc. Kemenparekraf)

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said the series of activities of the G20 Summit had a positive impact on creative economy actors (parekraf) in Bali.

Sandiaga said, thanks to the G20 Summit this year, many creative economy players in Bali experience direct business opportunities and employment opportunities, one of which is in Kuta Seafood Restaurant.

"This Seafood coup has been open since two months ago and has opened job opportunities for 25 employees. This is the direct impact of the presence (of the G20 Summit)," Sandiaga said in a press release, Tuesday, November 15.

He said that the momentum of the G20 Summit which was held on November 15-16, 2022, needs to be utilized as much as possible by tourism and creative economy actors in Bali, so that the positive impact of the G20 Summit can be felt evenly, from MSME players to big entrepreneurs.

"We must oversee the momentum of this revival, so that the G20 is not only felt by five-star hotels, but also by MSME actors and creative economy actors in Bali along with the increase in tourism in Bali," Sandiaga explained.

On the same occasion, the owner of Kuta Seafood, Hari Paramuda admitted that he felt the positive impact of the G20 Summit in Bali.

"Many regional heads ahead of the G20 came on duty to Bali and eat here. That is the tremendous impact we feel," he added.

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