Wow! Record Six Shares Simultaneously, Stock Exchange Can Additional Market Capitalization IDR 77.5 Trillion
IPO illustration (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has recorded an additional 50 companies as newcomer issuers this year. This number increased along with the listing of six company shares at once today (Tuesday, November 8).

Citing the IDX, the shares include PT Famon Awal Bros Sedaya Tbk (PRAY), PT Jayamas Medica Industri Tbk (OMED), PT Global Digital Niaga Tbk or Blibli (BELI), PT Wulandari Bangun Laksana Tbk (BSBK), PT Citra Borneo Utama Tbk (CBUT), and PT Menthobi Karyatama Raya Tbk (MKTR).

In detail, PRAY shares started the initial price of Rp900 with a market capitalization of Rp12.56 trillion. Then, OMED Rp204 per share with a market capitalization of Rp5.52 trillion.

Furthermore, BUY IDR 450 per share with a market capitalization of IDR 53.31 trillion. BSBK IDR 100 per share with a market capitalization of IDR 2.51 trillion, CBUT IDR 690 with a market capitalization of IDR 2.16 trillion, and MKTR IDR 120 per share with a market capitalization of IDR 1.44 trillion.

That way, these six newcomer stocks have added to the market capitalization value of IDR 77.5 trillion. The added value of market capitalization can also change immediately in line with the movement of each recorded stock.

As additional information, IDX still stores 45 companies in the pipeline for listing shares as of October 31. As for the listing of new shares today, the pipeline on the IDX still has around 39 companies remaining.

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