Spread Across 16 Sub-Districts, 2,821 Households In Bojonegoro Receive Free Electricity Installation Assistance
Photo: Doc. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to realize the New Install of Electricity Assistance (BPBL) to several regions to achieve the target of 80,000 households this year. Most recently, 2,821 underprivileged households in Bojonegoro, East Java province were the recipients of this program.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Electricity Ida Nuryatin Finahari said household electricity connections in Bojonegoro are spread to 16 sub-districts. "The data on BPBL beneficiaries comes from members of Commission VII DPR RI as government partners," she said in an official statement, Monday, October 17.

For this reason, she appreciates the support of member of Commission VII DPR RI, Ratna Juwita Sari, who has fought for the beneficiaries of the BPBL program for Bojonegoro and Tuban Regencies.

Continuing what Ida said, Ratna really supports this program. "Aid for New Installs of Electricity is one of our ways together with our colleagues in the DPR RI to fight for what has been a problem for the community so far. Please we can maintain this synergy for the welfare of the people in Indonesia," said Ratna.

On the same occasion, the General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) UID East Java Lasiran said, PLN together with partners will join hands, synergize, collaborate and move together in implementing the BPBL program assigned by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to PLN.

"This BPBL program is proof of PLN's commitment to contribute in improving the living standards of the poor and electricity for a better life," she said.

The Head of Kanor Sub-district, Agus Saipul Aris, on the same occasion said that many people in his area were supplying electricity from their neighbors because of the difficulty in the cost of connecting new electricity. With the existence of this BPBL program, he feels that his citizens are being cared for by the government.

"We, Kanor Sub-district, thank the government, if no one pays attention to the community, especially electricity, there are still many that are distributed due to limited funds. We need to support all of this," said Agus.

The inauguration ceremony continued with the first lighting ceremony for two BPBL beneficiary households. The first house belongs to Budiman, a 50-year-old man who works as an entrepreneur every day. After the first lighting, the activity was continued at the house of Suminto, a 44-year-old man who works as a planter every day.

Siti Marwiah, Suminto's wife, expressed her gratitude because her family no longer had to provide electricity from another house. She stated before that she had to provide electricity from her parents.

"Thank you, I'm happy to get my own electricity, I don't need to ask anymore," concluded Siti.

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