Ministry of Industry Facilitates 20 Mining Companies to Participate in SIAL Paris 2022
Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of Industry)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry facilitates 20 food and beverage industry companies to participate in the Salon International del l'Alimentation (SIAL) Paris exhibition in 2022.

"With abundant natural resources and high-quality food ingredients, combined with significant investment in food processing technology and product innovation, the food and beverage sector is the largest contributor to the non-oil and gas processing industry in Indonesia," said Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in a statement on Thursday. Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday 10 October.

SIAL Paris is held at the Parc des expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte from 15-19 October 2022 and is one of the largest food and beverage exhibitions in the world. In 2018, the exhibition, which is held every two years, had a total of 155.700 visitors from 194 countries. This 2022 SIAL event is the first time since the pandemic took place.

It was stated that in the second quarter of 2022, the food and beverage industry showed a brilliant performance by growing at 3.68 percent (year on year/yoy) and contributing to the GDP of the non-oil and gas processing industry by 38.38 percent.

Meanwhile, from January to August 2022, exports of the food and beverage industry were reported to reach USD 31.7 billion.

"At SIAL 2022, Indonesia will build a pavilion covering an area of ​​202.5 square meters. The Indonesian Pavilion, located in Hall 8, will be filled by 20 food and beverage companies from Indonesia who will receive various facilities as participants," said the Minister of Industry.

Facilities that will be obtained by exhibitors include booths (outlets), exhibitor passes (exhibition tickets), and e-invitations (electronic invitations) for potential buyers (buyers). In addition to physical facilities at the exhibition location, exhibitors from Indonesia were also provided with an Effective Trade Fair Participation Workshop before their departure to SIAL Paris.

"The facilities obtained by the participants are expected to help exhibitors to attract as many potential buyers from abroad as possible," said Agus.

Director General of Agro Industry Putu Juli Ardika said the Ministry of Industry's participation in SIAL Paris 2022 was held thanks to collaboration between the Directorate of Food, Marine Products and Fisheries of the Ministry of Industry, Directorate of Beverage, Tobacco Products and Refreshment Materials of the Ministry of Industry, Directorate of Access to Industrial Resources and International Promotion of the Ministry of Industry, as well as the Paris Trade Attaché.

In addition to introducing the food and beverage industry from Indonesia to the international market, the Ministry of Industry's participation in SIAL this time also aims to encourage cooperation and Business to Business agreements in order to increase exports of the food and beverage industry.

"We hope that the collaboration will include cold chain technology and food ingredients, considering that the sources of raw materials for the Indonesian food and beverage industry are very diverse and reliable," said Putu.

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