Issu Penarikan Gas Melon 3 Kg Membuat Resah Masyarakat, Anggota Komisi VII Minta Pemerintah Dolakukan Sosialisasi Penggunaan Kompor Listrik
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Mulyanto, asked the government not to make many discourses that made people wonder and be confused in the midst of soaring food prices and high energy. One of them is related to the withdrawal of subsidized melon gas or LPG to be replaced with an electric stove.

According to Mulyanto, this issue can make people even more restless after covering the heavy burden due to the subsidized increase in fuel prices (BBM). Therefore, in conditions like this the government should be able to calm the community.

"The development of issues like this certainly makes people restless. Because not all people are ready to switch to using gas stoves to electric stoves. People still think the use of electric stoves is more expensive than gas stoves," Mulyanto told the media, Thursday, September 22.

Seeing public unrest, Mulyanto advised the government to socialize the electricity stove use program even better. The goal is that people are encouraged to voluntarily use electric stoves

Mulyanto feels that the government's socialization regarding this program is still lacking. As a result, many rumors are not true circulating in the community. In fact, said Mulyanto, so far at Commission VII DPR RI, the discussion about electrical stoves and related partners is only a trial plan.

Furthermore, said Mulyanto, according to the aim of testing the electric stove is voluntary for people who are interested in participating. This means that there is no coercion and there is no termination of the 3 kg LPG gas subsidy.

"So there is no plan to withdraw 3 kilograms of LPG melon from the community by PLN," he said.

Mulyanto said, the issue of induction or electricity stove started with the condition of PLN which was overly electrocuted. However, this excess must still be paid by PLN, whether worn or not by them. This condition certainly suppresses PLN's financial performance.

Departing from this condition, said Mulyanto, PLN plans to distribute 300 thousand induction stoves to the community in order to absorb the electricity surplus suffered by the state-owned company.

Mulyanto said, PLN also guaranteed that the use of the induction stove would be cheaper or at least the same as the previous energy usage costs.

To note, this induction stove is planned to consist of two stoves. Each stove requires 800 Watt power. So for one induction stove it requires a power of 1,600 Watt. Therefore, the electricity of the target customers of this program will be increased from 450 VA or 900 VA to 2,200 VA.

As presented by the President Director of PLN in front of Commission VII of the DPR RI, it was stated that the electricity tariff for this induction stove was still subsidized. The additional power from 450 VA or 990 VA to 2200 VA, including the induction stove, is given free of charge.

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