The Government Desak Will Immediately Issue A Subsidized Fuel Purchase Rules, Deputy Of Commission VII: There Must Be A Legal Payars To Be Effective
Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR Eddy Soeparno. (Photo: Doc. DPR)

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR Eddy Soeparno urged the government to act decisively on the potential end of the fuel oil quota (BBM) before the end of this year. Therefore, to make subsidized fuel more targeted, a legal basis is needed to provide justice for the people of Indonesia.

"Currently nothing is stopping the government from issuing regulations related to restrictions on the use of subsidized fuel," he said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, September 20.

Eddy added that until now the government has not issued a subsidized regulation on the distribution of fuel. The revision of Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 concerning Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel is very urgent to be issued immediately. According to him, restrictions without regulations will not be effective because regulations are the basis for being able to provide legal action.

He said, as many as 80 percent of subsidized fuel users were enjoyed by those who were not entitled. To increase supply, it becomes a waste. There is no other way to do it except to carry out restrictions while strengthening supervision.

"Restrictions are carried out through legal umbrellas to be effective in the field," he added.

Currently, the level of fuel consumption exceeds the assumption that the fuel subsidy budget is drained. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati previously explained that when the government budgeted for fuel subsidies of Rp502 trillion, there was a determination of the volume of fuel that would receive subsidies.

Until the end of 2022, it is stipulated that the Pertalite quota is 23 million kiloliters and a diesel of 15.1 million kiloliters. By the end of July 2022, the Pertalite quota that has been used has reached 16.84 million kiloliters or 73 percent of the quota.

Meanwhile, diesel quotas have been used 9.88 million kiloliters or 65 percent of available quotas.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Pertamina Patra Niaga carried out the Government's mandate to distribute subsidized fuel oil (BBM). In an effort to ensure that subsidized fuel distribution can be right on target and right on quota, Pertamina applies a new mechanism, namely by registering fuel through the subsidy specifically for four-wheeled vehicles (mobils).

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VI of the DPR RI, Thursday, September 8, said PT Pertamina (Persero) noted that there were 2 million vehicles that had registered for the subsidy program exactly until September 7, 2022. In detail, 1.45 million vehicles registered for Pertalite and 645,787 vehicles registered for solar subsidies.

"For 4-wheeled vehicles, of the 33 million vehicles, only 2 million have registered. Only about 6.4 percent of the total four-wheeled vehicles," he said.

Of the 2 million vehicles that registered, only about 36 percent or about 763,755 vehicles had the right to drink subsidized fuel, while 13 percent had the right to drink subsidized fuel or about 275,466 vehicles. "Vehicles that are on progress verification of 1.06 million vehicles or 51 percent," he continued.

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