Becoming A Pioneer, BNI Installs 2 SPKLU Partnership Schemes
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JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. or BNI is committed to continuing to be an agent of transformation in the application of environmental, social and governance principles or ESG.

To that end, the bank codenamed BBNI continues to actively add to its portfolio with the classification of green financing and green activity.

Most recently, with the support of the State Electricity Company (Persero) or PLN, BNI has become a pioneer in the banking industry as a financial institution that operates two General Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU).

This is also a follow-up to the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between BNI and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN on April 26, 2022 regarding the Provision of SPKLU Infrastructure in the BNI Area.

Meanwhile, the inauguration of the construction of the two SPKLUs was inaugurated at the BNI Head Office, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 19.

BNI builds two SPKLUs at once in its working environment.

In addition to the BNI Head Office, also at the BNI Pejompongan Tower, Jalan Pejompongan Raya, Jakarta.

Present at the inauguration of the SPKLU were BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo, and BNI Deputy President Director Adi Sulistyowati.

Also present on the occasion were BNI Corporate Banking Director Silvano Rumantir, BNI Service and Network Director Ronny Venir, PLN Director of Commerce and Customer Management Bob Saril, and PLN Finance Director Sinthya Roesli.

Royke conveyed that the construction of the SPKLU was a concrete step for BNI to encourage the acceleration of the use of Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB) in Indonesia which would have a positive impact on the environment.

"This step is a joint commitment between BNI and PLN to proactively support the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia. We are also proud to say that BNI is the first bank in Indonesia to use the SPKLU Partnership Investor Own Investor Operate (IO2) cooperation scheme from PLN," he said.

Through this scheme, PLN acts as the SPKLU business owner, and partners as business partners. The SPKLU Partnership IO2 scheme consists of three packages, namely the Medium Charger Package, the Fast Charger Package, and the Ultra Fast Charger Package.

With this program, PLN provides ease of ownership services as well as licensing arrangements for partners to be able to run businesses and improve the SPKLU ecosystem.

This is also in line with that BNI as the first bank to provide a Payment channel (in this case a Debit Card Payment Gateway) in the PLN Mobile Application for payments for charging electric vehicles using PLN's SPKLU.

The construction of the SPKLU strengthens BNI's position as a company that deserves a high rating on the ESG assessment from MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International).

BNI's current rating is A and is the highest rating among Indonesian banks.

As the holder of the best MSCI rating, BNI is not complacent.

Previously, the company had also issued green bonds worth IDR 5 trillion which was prepared to strengthen environmental-based financing.

The SPKLU unit which was inaugurated has 3 (three) types of chargers, namely AC type with a power of 22 kilo Watts (kW), DC CHAdeMo with a power of 25 kW, and DC CCS2 with a power of 25 kW.

The AC type is usually used for electric cars from European manufacturers, while the DC CHAdeMo type is for electric cars from Asian and American manufacturers, while the DC CCS2 type is a combination with the fast charging category.

The management of the SPKLU placed at BNI will be managed based on the synergy between a subsidiary of PLN and an affiliated company of BNI, namely PT Grha Mitra Empatenam.

Electric Vehicle Financing Scheme Royke continued that in the inauguration of the SPKLU this time, BNI also provided ease of ownership of electric vehicles through BNI consumer financing and financing through BNI's subsidiary, BNI Multifinance.

Meanwhile, Darmawan appreciated BNI for acting as a frontline in the energy transition, especially with its function as an intermediary.

In just 3 months of cooperation discussions, BNI was immediately able to realize the construction of the SPKLU.

"Our steps with BNI are also tangible evidence to the world that Indonesia has moved quickly in the energy transition, especially switching from fossil fuel cars to electric fuel," said Darmawan.

Apart from this SPKLU collaboration, PLN also has various projects which of course can be a potential investment credit distribution for BNI.

"Of course there will be more collaborations that we will continue with BNI. We have various investments with a spirit of fairness whose risks are well managed and the rate of return is fair," concluded Darmawan.

BNI is a bank in Indonesia that pays serious attention to environmental management.

BNI is a bank in Indonesia that pays serious attention to environmental management.

Some of the activities carried out by BNI include environmental rehabilitation in the coastal area of Anyer Beach, Banten and upstream of the Citarum River Basin, West Java through the nursery development program, planting and caring for trees in these areas.

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