Tourism Observer About Borobudur Ticket Price Increase: Don't Set It Too High
Photo by Michael Rivera 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

JAKARTA - Tourism observer Deria Adi Wijaya agreed with the plan to increase the tariff to go up to the stupa area of Borubudur Temple by Rp. 750,000.

"In the concept of tourism, price increases must be carried out, because traveling is known by the concept of the environmental carrying capacity of a tourist attraction," said Deria, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

According to him, without limiting the number of visitors in a tourist attraction, the carrying capacity of the environment will be damaged.

"You can imagine when tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of visitors go up to Borobudur Temple without any restrictions on the number of visitors. The carrying capacity of the environment will definitely be damaged, whether the stones are corroded, as well as vandalism from irresponsible visitors," he said.

As part of efforts to protect historical heritage, according to him, visitors need to be educated that the perspective of tourism has now shifted, from using mass tourism to special interest tourism.

Deria said that special interest tourism has also been developed abroad, where tourism activities no longer emphasize the quantity of visits but more on the quality of visits.

"Because with the more exclusive the number of visits, automatically the quality obtained from tourists will also increase. Both the quality in terms of education and the quality of the travel experience will be much better," he said.

Therefore, according to him, the increase in ticket prices is reasonable.

"Maybe it's related to the nominal amount, but don't set it too high. It's better to put more emphasis on system development, as well as how to flow for visits to Borobudur Temple in order to improve the quality of visitor tourism, including after visiting Borobudur Temple visitors' insight can increase," he said.

Previously, the President Director of the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (Persero) Edy Setijono explained that the ticket costs Rp. 750 thousand/person for local tourists only to climb the Borobudur Temple, while the price for the entrance ticket to the temple area is still Rp. 50 thousand/person for tourists. archipelago.

"Meanwhile, it's a ticket to go up to the temple. The regular ticket is still the same for foreign tourists Rp. 50,000, for foreign tourists 25 dollars. Only tickets for this are valid only to the temple grounds," he said.

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