Waiting For The Announcement Of The Name Of The Cooking Oil Mafia Suspect From The Trade Minister Lutfi
Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi. (Photo: Doc. VOI)

JAKARTA - Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi said he would reveal the names of the cooking oil mafia to the public today. The mafia is suspected of hoarding cooking oil in very large quantities.

This was conveyed by Lutfi in a Working Meeting with Commission VI regarding the Discussion on Commodity Prices and Readiness of the Ministry of Trade to Stabilize Prices and Supply Basic Needs Ahead of Fasting and Eid at the Indonesia House of Representatives Office, Thursday, March 17.

Initially, Lutfi said that he had provided data on findings to the police regarding the accumulation of cooking oil, which amounted to thousands of tons.

"I have given all the data. This is still a presumption of innocence, but we have found it and this number is in thousands of tons (hoarding). We have reported it to the Police through the Criminal Investigation Unit, we have started to arrest and investigate", he said, in a Working Meeting with House of Representatives Commission VI, quoted Monday, March 21.

According to Lutfi, there are already suspects who will be named. The determination of the suspect candidates will be announced on Monday, March 21 by the police.

"I leave it to the police so they can decide the legal process. On Monday there will be potential suspects", he said.

Furthermore, Lutfi explained that the hoarding mechanism was carried out by escaping subsidies to upper-middle industries. Then, subsidized bulk cooking oil is repackaged into premium cooking oil, and subsidized bulk cooking oil is transported abroad.

"There are three targets that will be set on Monday. Three of them will have potential suspects on Monday. The police will announce them on Monday", he said.

House of Representatives urges the Trade Minister to reveal the cooking oil mafia

Earlier in the meeting, a member of Commission VI Indonesia House of Representatives, Andre Rosiade, challenged the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi to reveal the cooking oil mafia. Because he assesses the problem of cooking oil has dragged on.

"Please state who the mafia is. What steps did the Ministry of Trade take for that? Goods are plentiful but expensive, meaning there are hoarders", said Andre.

Andre views that the high and uncontrolled price of cooking oil shows that the government has lost to these irresponsible people.

"You should be firm. What guarantees do we have for them? The people need justice", he said.

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