VIDEO: Soybean Prices Rise, Tofu-Tempe Producers Threaten Production Strikes
Soybean Prices Rise, Tofu-Tempe Producers Threaten Production Strikes. (VOI Video graphics team)

JAKARTA - The higher soybean price to Rp11,200 per kilogram has made tofu craftsmen plan to strike from 21 to 23 February. If the price of soybeans does not go down, the craftsmen plan to increase the price of tofu. One of the tofu producers in Cipinang Besar Utara, East Jakarta, is still producing tofu when soybean prices are getting higher. Starting from the price of Rp. 9,000 per kilogram, now the price of soybeans has jumped to Rp. 11,200 per kilogram. If the strike action still does not succeed in reducing the price of soybeans, the craftsmen admit that they will be forced to increase the price of tofu. Watch the full video below.

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