Mario Dandy Satrio's Case: Children Make A Result, Father Getah
Mario Dandy Satrio (orange clothes), suspect in the case of severe abuse against Cristalino David Ozora is currently a prisoner at the South Jakarta Police. (Between)

JAKARTA - The persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio (20) against Cristalino David Ozora (17) on the evening of February 20 at the Grand Permata Cluster Boulevard Complex, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta turned out to have a long tail. Mario has now been named a suspect and is threatened with severe persecution with a maximum penalty of 5 years.

Prasetiya Mulya University, the educational institution where Mario studied, has decided to issue a suspect. Not only that, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Mario's father who is an official at the Directorate General of Taxes, was also affected.

Rafael received public attention regarding his assets which reportedly reached Rp56 billion. In fact, the public questioned where the luxury vehicles in the form of Jeep Rubicon and Harley Davidson were often exhibited by Mario on social media.

This is because from Rafael Alun's State Administrative Wealth Report (LHKPN) which circulated on social media, there were no reports of the vehicle.

Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK, Pahala Nainggolan was surprised by the value of Rafael Alun's wealth.

"It's not a big matter or not, but it's not related to the profile as echelon III. The assets recorded in the LHKPN should be in accordance with the profile or position held by an official," Pahala told the media crew at the Merah Putih Building on February 23, 2023.

"If there is an inheritance, for example the father is indeed the sultan where he knows that his legacy is as big as a gaban, then it doesn't matter. If it's appropriate, that's okay," he continued.

Because when it only refers to salaries and allowances, it is very unlikely. Salaries and allowances of tax officials, said Business Law Observer from Binus University, Muhammad Reza Syariffudin Zaki, are indeed bigger because his role is significant in boosting state revenue from the tax sector.

"It's different, for example with the treasurer or other directorates," he told VOI on February 24, 2023.

Salaries and allowances refer to Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2019 concerning the Eighth Amendment to Government Regulation Number 7 of 1977 concerning Civil Servant Salaries Regulations. Also, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 96 of 2017 concerning Employee Performance Allowances within the Directorate General of Taxes.

In PP Number 15 of 2019, it states that salaries for echelon III officials with groups between III D and IV D with a work period of 32 years range from Rp4,797,000 to Rp5,901,200.

Even so, even though the basic salary of tax civil servants is the same as that of other civil servants, the allowance given is different. In accordance with Article 2 of Presidential Decree Number 96 of 2017, employees who have positions within the Directorate General of Taxes are given performance allowances every month.

For structural echelon III officials, the range range is from Rp37,219,800 to Rp46,478,000.

The amount of performance allowance depends on the achievement of tax revenues. It can be paid in full 100 percent in the following year for one year if the realization of tax revenues is 95 percent or more of the tax revenue target.

If it is only 80-90 percent of the tax revenue target, the performance allowance is also only 80 percent. Although less than 70 percent of the target, DGT officials are also still entitled to a 50 percent performance allowance.

Chairman of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPAT), Ivan Yustiavandana, admitted that he was not surprised by the value of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's wealth.

Because according to him, PPAT has found an unnatural flow of funds in Rafael Alun's account since a dozen years ago. In fact, this finding has actually been submitted, either to the KPK, the Attorney General's Office, or the Inspectorate General. It's just not yet received further action.

"This has been since 2010, we have also submitted the results of the analysis to investigators for a long time, long before there was this case," he said as reported by VOI.

Reza also admitted that tax embezzlement practices by tax officials were difficult to eradicate. The pattern used is actually almost the same.

"Usually the fiscus saves taxpayers from tax arrears with discounts, something like that. The network is through the internal Director General of Taxes. So if it is proven, it will be exciting later. Not only unscrupulous tax officials, taxpayers who play can also be dragged along, they can be subject to tax penalties," he said.

Of course, said Reza, the rise of moral hazard among officials of the Director General of Taxes will have implications for a wave of public trust in tax instruments in the future. Not impossible, this will disrupt the 2023 tax revenue target of IDR 1,718 trillion.

"From previous experience, every tax evader case by tax officials, usually there tends to be a negligence in optimizing tax revenues," he said.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani has indeed made various breakthroughs, reforming the tax sector. Such as by utilizing a database ofbeneficial owners in exploring potential tax revenues and ensuring ownership of tax obligations.

"But still cheating practices still occur. It is difficult to eliminate it. The opportunity remains open and wide. If public trust decreases, the impact on the country will also be felt. In the end, it can also threaten the situation of the economic recession," he added.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, in order to maintain the reputation of the institution she leads, immediately took firm action. In a press conference on February 24, 2023, she instructed the inspectorate general to conduct an examination. Thus, for the time being Rafael Alun was removed from his position as Head of the General Section of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Regional Office of South Jakarta II.

In accordance with Article 31 paragraph 1 of Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline, For the smoothness of the examination, civil servants who are suspected of violating discipline and are likely to be sentenced to severe discipline can be temporarily released from their duties by their direct superiors since the person concerned is examined.

However, after a while of removal, Rafael Alun decided to resign as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN). He promised to continue the clarification process regarding LHKPN and comply with the applicable legal process.

"Together, I, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, declare my resignation to my position and status as a state civil servant of the Directorate General of Taxes starting Friday, February 24, 2023," Rafael Alun said in his letter circulating on social media.

"I will follow the procedure for resignation at the Directorate General of Taxes in accordance with applicable regulations. I will still undergo a clarification process regarding the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) and comply with the applicable legal process for the events committed by my child," he added.

Special Staff to the Minister of Finance Yustinus Prastowo confirmed the resignation letter.

"It has not been officially submitted to the Ministry of Finance. Procedurally, even though it has been submitted via Whatsapp, we will examine it before it is followed up," said Yustinus when confirmed on February 24, 2023.

According to social observer from Gadjah Mada University, Prof. Tadjuddin Noer Effendi is like a Javanese saying, the son of the father's father is a man. Image the condition of a father who bears shame as a result of the actions that have been taken by his son.

In fact, if it is proven that there is a discrepancy between the LHKPN data, Rafael's behavior clearly tarnishes the tax institution.

They say wise people obey taxes. They order people to pay taxes, obey to report their assets, but the officials actually have indications of hiding their assets. "Maybe everyone is taxed like that, because it was the one who reported them, who also checked them," he told VOI on February 24, 2023.

Sri Mulyani must be angry. Do not let the assumption that wise people obey taxes, tax people cross taxes," he added.

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