Ini Identitas 11 Korban Luka Kecelakaan Maut GT Ciawi
Head Of Public Relations Of The West Java Police, Kombes Jules Abraham Abast (ANTARA)

Eleven people were injured in a fatal accident that occurred at the Ciawi Toll Gate (GT), Katulampa Village, Bogor City, on Wednesday, February 5 in the morning. The police conveyed the identities of the injured victims.

"There were 11 victims who were injured," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Jules Abraham Abast to VOI, Wednesday, February 5.

There were three people who suffered serious injuries. They are Bendi Wijaya; Dany Nursamsu; and Sukanta who are Jasa Marga officers.

Meanwhile, 8 people were recorded for minor injuries. They are Ari Nuharom; Wahyudin; Nurdin Ahyani; Yogi Satrio; Yosep Irawan; Dasep Naseh; Sugiarti; and Ryuji Adriana.

The eleven victims have been taken to the hospital for medical treatment. Hopefully his condition will recover soon.

In the accident, said Jules, eight people died. Regarding his identity, he is still in the identification process.

"There were 8 victims who died for identity data in the identification process," Jules said.

So far, the accident is thought to have been caused by a truck that had failed brakes. The police will conduct a crime scene (TKP) to confirm this.

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