Ombudsman Concerned That Cluster In Bekasi Was Evicted Even Though There Was A SHM: It Means That The State Doesn't Recognize Legal Products
Ombudsman (DOK Ombudsman)

Member of the Indonesian Ombudsman Yeka Hendra Fatika is concerned about the polemic of the eviction of houses in the Setia Mekar Cluster Residence 2, South Tambun, Bekasi, West Java. This incident was said to indicate that the state did not recognize legal products in the form of certificates of property rights (SHM) pocketed by residents.

"My comments are only concerned. That means that the state does not recognize the legal products issued by the state," Yeka told reporters at his office, South Jakarta, quoted on Tuesday, February 4.

Yeka also considered that there had been irregularities in the polemic. "Actually, it needs to be managed in this regard. It needs to be fixed, yes, sorry for the community," he said.

The eviction of 27 plots of land in the Setia Mekar Residence 2 cluster based on the Bekasi District Court's decision numbered 128/PDT.G/1996/PN.BKS dated March 25, 1997 became a public spotlight. This is because the building already has a certificate of ownership (SHM) issued by the Bekasi Regency Land Office (Kantah).

Head of the Bekasi Regency Land Office (Kantah) Darman Simanjuntak then opened his voice. He said this eviction was caused by a civil matter of buying and selling, not because of the doubling of certificates.

Darman explained that 27 land parcels in the area had certificates of ownership or SHM since 1973. Then, the party split it into four certificates because it has a very large land area.

Furthermore, the four certificates were resold to other parties. "Well, it turns out that the problem was sold to person A before being broken down (so there were several certificates, ed)," he explained when contacted by VOI, Monday, February 3.

"There is AJB (a sale and purchase deed) again sold to others. The heirs who received the sale were the ones who sued, they won," he continued.

The sale and purchase process, Darman said, had been going on for a long time. Thus, the people who are on land in trouble are evicted according to the decision and the government cannot interfere.

"This is not a matter of certificates, so there have been sales twice. What do BPN want to do? That, right, civil matters such as buying and selling people," said Darman.

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