JAKARTA - Members of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD have been busy criticizing the DKI Provincial Government's plan to increase the requirements for recipients of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus.
Where, the DKI Jakarta Education Office will include new requirements, namely that KJP recipients must have a report card or study result achievement with an average value of at least 70.
Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Jhonny Simanjuntak, emphasized that the KJP is educational assistance for students who come from underprivileged families. Thus, the report card value cannot be an indicator of the provision of KJP.
"The KJP issue is not associated with achievements, but is associated with the economic capabilities of parents. I dare say that academic values are important, but not everything," said Jhonny at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Commission E meeting, Monday, February 3.
Moreover, according to him, the high academic achievement of students is not only determined by the internal factors of each student.
"The teacher factor also affects, the facilities at school also affect, parents also have an effect. So don't make it that when it comes to this value, this is the fault of the parents, the child's fault, as if the teacher has nothing wrong," he said.
Continuing, Secretary of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Justin Adrian asked the DKI Provincial Government not to rashly change the distribution pattern of KJP by adding the requirements for the report card value.
This is because, based on data from the DKI Jakarta Report Value Data Collection System (Sidanira) in 2024, there were 3,507 KJP Plus recipients who had a report card value below 70.
"The data turns out that there are also many whose scores are below 70, which are around 3,507. Don't let these 3000 DKI children go to school," said Justin.
"How will the multiples arrive at our demographic explosion in 2045? Don't let these children arrive in 2045 even fighting to guard the parking lot because they can't go to school," he added.
Previously, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Sarjoko, in a working meeting with Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD revealed the addition of a minimum report card requirement of 70 for KJP recipients.
This discourse came from the results of a meeting of the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government with the Pramono Anung-Rano Karno transition team. Given that the distribution of KJP Plus phase 1 2025 will be disbursed after Pramono-Rano is inaugurated as Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta, namely in March 2025 for the January, February, and March celebrations.
Seeing the criticism from the ranks of DPRD members in this meeting, Sarjoko admitted that he would reconsider the requirements for the reporting value in the distribution of KJP with the transition team.
"Regarding this value parameter, once again the input from the transition team. Therefore, when this needs to be reviewed, of course we will discuss it again," concluded Sarjoko.
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