Carry Out Prabowo's Instructions, KPK Will Cut Office Travel Fees And Office Operations

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has begun to save budget management. This carries out President Prabowo Subianto's orders issued through presidential instruction (Inpres) number 1 of 2025 concerning Expenditure Efficiency in the Implementation of the APBN and APBD for the 2025 fiscal year. "In order to support government programs in 2025, the KPK has also carried out various budget savings measures, including those related to official travel and office operations," said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardika to reporters, Tuesday, January 28. In the reduction of official travel costs, the KPK will prioritize holding meetings such as training and socialization carried out online or optimizing rooms and environments around KPK buildings. "As for activities outside the city, priority scales and limiting the number of personnel will be carried out," said Tessa. with various collaborations with stakeholders and all levels of society," he explained.

Then reiterated through the Letter of the Minister of Finance Number S-37/MK.02/2025. In the letter, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati also instructed the Minister/Institutional Leadership to identify the spending efficiency plan K/LAs for the attachment, there are several efficient plans namely:1. Office writing tools (attk), with efficiency of 90.0 percent.2. Ceremonial activities, with efficiency 56.9 percent.3. Meetings, seminars and the like, with efficiency of 45.0 percent.4. Studies and analysis, with efficiency of 51.5 percent.5. Diklat and bimtek, with efficiency of 29.0 percent.6. Office output and professional services, with efficiency of 40.0 percent.7. Printing and souvenirs, with efficiency of 75.9 percent.8. Building rental, vehicle and equipment, with efficiency of 73.3 percent.9. License of applications, with efficiency of 21.6 percent.10. Consultant services, with efficiency of 45.7 percent.11. Government assistance, with efficiency of 16.7 percent.12. maintenance and maintenance, with efficiency of 10.2 percent.13. Official travel, with efficiency of 53.9 percent.Equiptment and machinery, with efficiency of 28 percent.15. Infrastructure, with efficiency of 34.3 percent.16. Other spending, with efficiency of 59.1 percent.

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