Dirpolairud Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Joko Sadono said he had not found any criminal elements related to the installation of a 30 kilometer sea fence in Tangerang waters.
This was conveyed by him after monitoring the implementation of the active demolition of the sea fence in Tangerang on Monday, January 27. He said the investigation had been carried out in the field but there had been no findings of alleged criminal acts.
"While we have not found any criminal acts," Joko told reporters, Monday, January 27.
Even so, Joko fully handed over the investigation of the installation of the sea fence to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). "We are only investigating whether anything is in the field, whether there is a crime or not," he said.
"But because it has been taken by the KKP, we'll just have to wait for the KKP," Joko continued.
Furthermore, Joko said that his party also currently prefers to focus on helping the demolition of the sea fence. He said this activity started on January 22.
"From the 20th (January, ed) we have also planned activities on the 22nd (January, ed) from the start we have participated (unloading, ed)," he explained.
Previously reported, the issue of the sea fence has been widely discussed by the public since the discovery in Tangerang waters, Banten. After that, there was also a sea fence in the Bekasi Regency, West Java.
Initial searches by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) found that the sea fence area in Tangerang had been certified.
At that location, there are 263 fields consisting of 234 areas of Building Use Rights Certificates (SHGB) on behalf of 2 companies and 9 fields on behalf of individuals.
In addition, 17 parcels of Certipikat of Ownership in the area were also found. The Ministry of ATR/BPN is conducting further investigations regarding this matter.
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