Cost Telan Rp108.97 Billion, Renovation Of Maguwoharjo Stadium In Sleman Rampung
Maguwuharjo Stadium in Sleman, DIY. (Photo: Doc. Ministry of PUPR)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works (PU) has completed the rehabilitation and renovation of the Maguwoharjo Stadium in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

This project is one of 22 stadiums that have been renovated by the Ministry of Public Works in 2023-2024. This work will begin on December 27, 2023 and will be completed on December 15, 2024.

The total budget allocated is Rp108.97 billion. It is known, the contractor for the renovation of this stadium is PT Karuniaguna Intasesemasta with a consultant from PT Amsecon Berlian Sejahtera KSO PT Multi Citra Graha.

"This stadium rehabilitation and renovation activity is an effort to support the transformation of national football through the provision of international standard infrastructure from FIFA," said Acting Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works Endra S Atmawidjaja in his official statement, quoted Monday, December 23.

In the renovation work of the Maguwoharjo Stadium, structural work is carried out through column strengthening using the jacketing method. Then, architectural work through the addition of single seat seats, field grass replacement and the manufacture of disabled stands.

Mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) work is also carried out which includes changing field of play (FOP) lights as well as adding an alarm and sprinkler fire system for firefighters.

For landscape work, it includes field grass work, the construction of the main eastern side of the fasad and also the addition of fences.

"To meet FIFA standards, an increase in stadium capacity with a total of 20,595 single seats and also a change of field of play (FOP) lights. For grass, material replacement with a grass type of zesya matrela is also carried out," he said.

Meanwhile, FIFA Representatives Benjamin Veenbrink and Mazhar Ahmed appreciated the Ministry of Public Works for the rehabilitation and renovation of the completed Maguwoharjo Stadium.

According to him, work has met FIFA standards and can immediately be used as a venue for national and international football matches.

"The work is good, please maintain it and maintain it properly," he said.

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